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Each Zip Code: $74.99/month
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🏠 Real Estate Investor Leads 🏠
Investors are the most valuable client you can have as real estate agent. They buy & sell multiple properties every year. A good agent can build a solid business with just a few investor clients.

They don't need a lot of hand holding & will buy when the numbers make sense.

The numbers aren't making sense lately.

The dramatic increase in interest rates is crushing cap rates and equity.

This is your opportunity.

Many investors are already starting to sell their properties instead of rent them out. The smart ones see the writing on the wall and know it's time to sell.

They need your help and we have what you need to get you in the door.

These are the investor leads we generate & send to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
Once you sign up for your target zip codes, you will be taken to your lead page where you can filter by zip code, home type, pricing, etc. You will see all contact info for each real estate investor.
What do I get for my subscription?
Everyday we will send you a report of every new investors we find in your zipcodes that day.

You will also receive access to your all leads in your zip codes on your leads page.
Where do your leads come from?
We crawl the internet and find all rental homes that are listed by the owner. We capture this information and send it to our real estate agent clients.
Can I download my leads?
Yes, you will be able to download your leads into a csv format from the leads section in your account.
Is this a CRM?
No, we allow you to download your leads so you can import them into the CRM of your choice. Most agents already have a CRM they like and we do not want to replace that.